Illustrator, Designer and Art Director based in Sydney, Australia.

Currently working at Dovetail.

Thoughts, ideas and feelings of a woman being analysed by researchers.A girl wearing a red bear mask carrying a backpack and sword.Pink titan hand smashing an obsidian heart with a lighting bolt.Multicolored coridor with eyes peeping through the windows.Multicolored endless stairways with eyes opening out of the walls and floor.Two pea coloured dancers with tulips for heads.Green dragon woman with silver hair breathing smoke.Peaceful golden skin woman with silver hair wearing sun and moon jewellery.Floating multicolored matryoshka dolls covered in research symbology.Midnight hands holding a sun and moon above the clouds.Bionic robot with many faces shooting red lasers out of its eyes.Surreal scene featuring an eyeball seesaw in an orange ocean observed by a sleeping sun.

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